Sunday, July 11, 2004

Ah Evan Dando. Always news in his world. Well he's put together a new version of The Lemonheads. Many are touting it as a re-union but since Dando is the only one coming back it's not really. He's even drafted in the folks that make up his solo backing band as the new Lemonheads. So essentially it's the same thing he's been doing for the last 3/4 years as he plays alot of Lemonheads stuff in his solo set anyhow! Also there wouldn't be room on stage for a re-union seeing as there has been about 50 members in the Lemonheads over the years.
Still something to look forward too. He's also working on a new Lemonheads record
If that "re-union" wasn't enough for him, he's also fronting the re-united MC5 and will be playing with them in London towards the end of august!!!
Evan Dando: We salute you

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