Friday, April 09, 2004

today i bought the new graham coxon album 'Happiness in magazines'. I really really got to stop spending as I'm rapidly screwing myself out of cash. However i picked up the cd as a promo for 6 quid and it isn't officially released untill the 17th of March so it was a bit of a bargin. Album is very good. Having heard three out of Coxon's five records I'd argue that this is his best and most accessible...but only so to the indie market. He seems to have completed his 'Lo-fi' period and is edging back, ironicly, to his Blur past. 'Happiness...' sounds very much like Modern life is rubbish/popscene era blur. On one track (bottom bunk) he even revists 'great escape' era blur. The addition of Stephen Street on production duties perhaps edged him in this direction but nonetheless even his vocal sound is alot more polished and bluresque. First single 'Freakin out' sounds like it could have been writtin by The Buzzcocks while'bittersweet bundle of misery' is a relation of 'coffee and tv'. Graham Coxon said earlier this year that he would not be returning to his previous band, but in a way he's done just that.

Happiness in magazines is released May 17th and I highly recommend!!!

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