Sunday, February 01, 2004
It's been a hectic few weeks here in London. Term one was: this is what journalists do. Term 2: go do it. Sink or swim my son! Lots of work. Crazy deadlines and high pressure. It's great nonetheless. Anyhow amongst the chaos that was my weekend I managed to catch the end of Borders Music sale. I said I'd treat myself to someat and so opted for the Inspiral Carpets. Never before really listened to them but bought a double cd best of and rarities and DVD pack for just 6 bad boys. The more I listen the more I'm duly impressed. Sure there's the odd clanger in there but in all it's quite good Manc Funk pychedelia (you know what i mean...blogging, not spelling). Caravan is great, Joe...their "classic" is pretty naff and ordinary. Better jewels in there. Anyhow worth a listen...nice to finally hear them and fantastic it's decent stuff.
over and out
over and out