Monday, December 01, 2003
Hey all. Been way to long since I blogged. Busy and shit with London town. In the last few weeks though I'll gradually take yee up to date............saw Zimmey in Wembley. On top form and a great show. Then caught Kittser around the corner, met some random Irish for drinks, I remember very little. Lately been busy with work and such. One week of term left. In a bid to make up for my slackness I promise to publish some good stuff in the next few weeks. I had a class with Salam Pax, perhaps better known as 'The Baghdad blogger'. I'll publish what he had to say about Iraq. Very interesting guy.
Mark Brayne, a former BBC correspondant, an excellent journalist and now involved in helping journalists through the traumas they often experience in covering conflicts, also spoke to us. I'll put that up too.
Will be in touch and up the quality.
Stay with me!!
darteurope-journalim and trauma
Salam pax-the Baghdad Blogger
Mark Brayne, a former BBC correspondant, an excellent journalist and now involved in helping journalists through the traumas they often experience in covering conflicts, also spoke to us. I'll put that up too.
Will be in touch and up the quality.
Stay with me!!
darteurope-journalim and trauma
Salam pax-the Baghdad Blogger