Wednesday, December 31, 2003

So the last day of the year and goodbye to 2003. I remember being in this place before. While others usually look back at the trials and tribulations of the world over the past 12 months I'm usually assessing the merits of the last Oasis release, the contenders for the gig of the year and bemoaning the fact that Woody Allen once again failed to find a European Distributor. And then there's hope. Hope that things will change. Hope that you'll eventually figure out what the previous years meant and what way they've constructed your move forward. As Billy Bragg would put it "We're all waiting for the great leap forward"
But with 2003 nearing an end fuck all has changed. The idiots trying to "make the world a safer place" have only succeeded in breathing mis-trust, creating wave upon wave of anger and issuing fear worldwide. I still am unsure about my road. 2004 is filled with anxiety for me. I feel death coming on. Like someone close is going to go. Can't shake it. Though hope has come in the form of a project i intend to undertake and wish to research over the coming years. An extraordinary tale of Irelands past. All the more extraordinary because its true and extends to other bizarre and often funny tales. It'll take mountains of research but I'm excited. 2004 is also my year to finally finish my student days and bloom into adulthood. To work, play, build,settle, move. It's daunting in ways that I'm unsure if I'm ready to take that path. I guess though the trick is to do it and to do it yourway.
So tonight. New years Eve. That perennial let down. Most of the pubs are charging a tenner in and opening till 3. Theres a Moulin Rouge party down the road which promises lots of that green mindfuck of a drink. Mostly though I'll end up collecting Orlagh from work at 4, goin for drinks, buying food, watching TV, getting drunk and sleeping. I think It'll beat the 3 minute, 3 fuckin minutes!!!!, firework display in town. No alcohol allowed!! You can't say that Ken Livingstone has neglected giving Londoners one last fuck up the ass.
On that note Happy New Year to you and yours.
We'll meet on the otherside
All the best,

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Actually....Your smiling face on the new David Kitt has nabbed me the more i listen........hope for the album yet.
If anyone wants a compilation cd made email me your adreess as I'm bored. Put 'give me a cd' in the subject.

So I've been doing fuck all since I got back here. Spent today converting my 1600 audio files into mp3 formet as well as ACC so I can listen to them on my mini disc. Now I'm going over the new David Kitt album which I got on the cheap. Not too impressed. I'd heard it earlier in the year and was no too impressed but thought maybe it was a grower....wrong...I think. Back to the future is on so nipping in and out of that. Slept most of yesterday. gonna start mu college work tomorr. Will start getting my shit together tonight. For the rermainder of the evening I think O and I are gonna down a bottle or two of vino, maybe a couple of hot whiskeys, and then watch Zoolander.
Shit, heard a barging noise! Paranoid. Today two dodgy fucks tryed to sell me a new intercom!!! They said to let them in the house so they could show me how shit my one is compared to theirs, (rob me more fuckin like it). Sorry thats the paranoia again. They sat in their van for 20 minutes after. Fuck. gET MY MIND OFF IT, COME ON COME ON COME ON.
Villa are doing good at last. Phew! Only Juan Pablo Angel
Over and out

Just reading over last nights entry and it appears I may have become David Brent over the Christmas!! Great final two episodes.

Monday, December 29, 2003

So back in Londinium. Got back yesterday. Islington remains. Still buzzing. People eating, drinking, talking business and wearing there uber cool xmas jumpers proudly telling their friends that Colin Farrell wore a similar garment in that trendy Irish flick, Intermission! Ah London. Its good to be back in some ways. Had a topsy turvey Xmas. In my public life all was great but privately I was falling apart. Still am in some regards..Fucked some shit up..maybe. Jesus I want to leave it all behind as Bono might say. Publicly though all was great. Got friendships back on track and learned enough to change certain aspects in my life. To make things better and appreciate the things I've got. In that regard I think I've been fermented with the Christmas spirit.
In the flat I'm listening to the best of The Cure. Finally got the gas heater working in the living room and we have heat!!!
Anyway we'll talk tomorrow. In the meantime.....
Over and out

Monday, December 01, 2003

Hey all. Been way to long since I blogged. Busy and shit with London town. In the last few weeks though I'll gradually take yee up to date............saw Zimmey in Wembley. On top form and a great show. Then caught Kittser around the corner, met some random Irish for drinks, I remember very little. Lately been busy with work and such. One week of term left. In a bid to make up for my slackness I promise to publish some good stuff in the next few weeks. I had a class with Salam Pax, perhaps better known as 'The Baghdad blogger'. I'll publish what he had to say about Iraq. Very interesting guy.

Mark Brayne, a former BBC correspondant, an excellent journalist and now involved in helping journalists through the traumas they often experience in covering conflicts, also spoke to us. I'll put that up too.

Will be in touch and up the quality.
Stay with me!!

darteurope-journalim and trauma

Salam pax-the Baghdad Blogger

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